Employer GPS Tracking: Is it Legal?

Employee Location Tracking on Mobile App with GPS | Lathem

August 9, 2021

Monitoring employees during official working hours has been observed by many companies all over the world for a long time. It’s a generally accepted practice, thus it’s not uncommon when employers use a time clock app with GPS or Global Positioning System to track their staff.

GPS tracking is mostly used in industries that involve field operations or remote work, such as construction, transportation, courier and delivery, utilities, sales, and emergency healthcare. It ensures that employees are where they’re supposed to be when they punch in for work.

Advantages and Challenges of Using Time Clock Apps With GPS

Employee monitoring offers a lot of benefits. First, it’s efficient and increases productivity that translates to profitability. Second, it enforces compliance and accountability. Another advantage is it improves customer service and safety.

For employees on the road, GPS tracking will help them feel safer and assured that they can get the support of their employers easily should they meet with an accident, have a health-related emergency, get lost, or their vehicles break down.


The Legality of using a Mobile Time Clock App With GPS to track Location

Employee monitoring is considered an acceptable workforce management practice. There are regulations in place that provide protection for personal information that might be disclosed without authorization like the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. 

Employers should consult with their lawyers to learn about the local privacy law, transportation law, labor law, and tort law to come up with a good GPS monitoring policy that’s clear and relevant to the local laws and regulations.  

The policy must be communicated well between the employers and employees. It’s best practice for employers to seek the permission of their employees when they use a time clock app with GPS tracking.

It should be understood that GPS tracking is only done when there are legitimate and justifiable work-related purposes. These purposes must be demonstrable and established well along with the consequences of turning off the GPS when employees need to have it on. 

The monitoring policy should also be available for employees’ reference and must be explained to new hires before they sign their contracts. It’s important for employers to build trust with their employees and not overuse the monitoring system to avoid legal repercussions. 

GPS monitoring should only be allowed during working hours and must not be abused. Employers have to be transparent and encourage their workers to educate themselves, read policies, know their rights, and ask questions about the GPS tracking to ease their fears.


Lathem Employee Time Tracking App

Lathem’s PayClock Online provides remote features like GPS location tracking of all transactions through the mobile app. GPS coordinates can be configured in the app settings, which allows employees to record their work hours only where they’re expected to be. 

Our online solution will help you manage administrative tasks easily and log hours wherever you may be. You can trust that your data is protected because we use the same encryption technology as banks. Work with us today!

The Benefits of Combining Time Clocks & Online Software

Learn how time clocks improve employee time & attendance tracking! (Free Download)

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The Benefits of Combining Time Clocks & Online Software Ebook | Lathem